Hand Embroidery Stitches

There are many times a quilter might want to use embroidery stitches in their quilts. Of course, CRAZY Quilts use a wide variety of stitches. I find that quilt labels are a great place to use embroidery

Most Used Embroidery Stitches

Pull needle up at A.
Insert it back into fabric at B, and bring it up at C.
Push needle down again at D, and bring it up at E.
Continue in same manner.

blanket stitchBlanket Stitch: Pull needle up at A, form a reverse L shape with floss, and hold angle of L shape in place with your thumb.
Push needle down at B and come up at C to secure stitch.
Continue in same manner around shape.

Chain Stitch: Pull needle up at A, form a U shape with floss, and hold shape in place with your thumb.
Push needle down at B, about 1/8" from A, and come up at C to secure stitch.
Continue in same manner.

French Knot: Pull needle through where you want the knot. Wrap floss around tip of needle twice.
Insert floss-wrapped needle back into fabric 1/16" away from start.
Gently push wrap down needle to meet fabric, and then pull needle and floss through fabric smoothly.

Lazy Daisy Stitch: Pull needle up at A and form a loop of floss on fabric.
Holding loop in place, insert needle back into fabric at B, about 1/16" away from A.
Bring the needle tip out at C and cross it over trailing floss, keeping floss flat.
Gently pull needle and trailing floss until loop lies flat against fabric. Push needle through to back at D to secure loop in place.

Running Stitch: Pull needle up at A and insert it back into fabric at B.
Continue in same manner, loading several stitches on needle at a time.


Stem Stitch: Pull needle up at A, then insert it into fabric at B, about 3/8" away from A.
Holding floss out of the way, bring needle back up at C and pull floss through so it lies flat against fabric.
The distances between points A, B, and C should be equal. Pull with equal tautness after each stitch.

Tack Stitch or Whipstitch: Pull needle up at A and push it down at B.
Come up at C.
continue in same manner around entire appliqu? shape.