Guild - Chapter Garage Sale

Garage Sale

Pick a month (usually August or other slow month) and invite members to bring their items for sale.

Members 'purchase' a table (maybe $10 - $25 per table). Guild keeps this money, what tables sell is kept by member.

Everyone sets up before the meeting and we are allowed to look but not buy.

Then after the meeting, it is a mad rush to get the goodies. Everything from bags of scraps to rulers to patterns.

Wash-Tub Salad

Everyone brings a cup of salad additives (rotiserie chicken, olives, boiled eggs, avacado, jelly beans*, tomatoes etc) and a pot luck dish or dessert. We make a giant salad and have a picnic type lunch. The club or hostess supplies the lettuce, drinks and paper products.

In Houston, at our retreats or sew-ins, we would often have a Wash Tub salad. Everyone signs up for some great ingredient, and makes a GREAT lunch salad. Different every time.

*Jelly beans - some smart aleck at one of our retreats threw in a hand of jelly beans into our Wash-Tub salad. Great conversation, and we talked about for many years afterwards. -thank you Gail Synder)!

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